Thursday, April 24, 2008

Georgetown United, Today!

Hey! We hope you enjoyed Georgetown United! today, brought to you by the GUSA Student Commission for Unity. Please fill out our survey, it will take 5 minutes of your time, but you could win $50!

Want to get involved? Check out our press release for more info about the Student Commission for Unity, and send us an email at

Also, you can join the Facebook group!

We look forward to serving Georgetown with you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The survey went live last night! We were very excited especially to see the results come in live. Last night we got over 1,000 respondents!!! Great work to everyone involved. If you haven't taken the survey please take it and please come to the meeting tonight at 8:00pm.
Again the link is below:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We are Georgetown? $50 could be yours for 5 minutes of your time!

We are Georgetown? Please take the time to fill out the survey for the GUSA Student Commission for Unity. Filling out the survey confidentially enters you for a chance to win a $50 gift card to the local business of your choice! (Wisey's, Tombs, The Bookstore, H&M, Visa Check card...whatever you want! ). Five minuets of your time will be appreciated because in those five minuets you can help change your Georgetown for the better.

Thank you for helping your fellow students, we assure you that your answers will be confidential.

The GUSA Student Commission for Unity